
Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:

Track 1
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]


Don't you know that I'll be a-round to gu-ide you, We'll cast some light and you'll be al-right We'll cast some light and you'll be al-right for n -ow Cross- es all o- ver, hea-vy on your sh oul ders We'll cast some light and you'll be al-right We'll cast some light and you'll be al-right for n -ow Cross- es all o- ver the bou-le-vard Cross- es all o- ver the bou-le-vard The streets out- side your win- dow o- ver- flood- ed Ig-nore them to-night and you'll be al-right We'll cast some light and you'll be al-right Through your weak -est mo-ments to leave them be-hi-nd you The si-rens in-side you wait-ing to step for ward Peo- ple star- ing, they know you- 've been bro- ken Re-turn-ing nigh-t-mares on- ly sha dows Dis-tur- bing si- lence dark- ens your sight Re-peat-ed-ly re-mind- ed by the looks on their fa- ces